
In this section you can find a selection of resources available to support and help you through the Together course. Below is a list of suggested reading and useful contacts. Also, you can access our download section.

Suggested Reading

General Marriage

The Highway Code for Marriage, Michael and Hilary Perrott (CWR, 2005). The authors have poured all their wisdom and experience into a book that will help you build, or rebuild, a sure foundation for your marriage. Learn, among many other things, the art of communication, the importance of respect and the necessity of forgiveness. Tackling the highs and lows of relationships, The Highway Code for Marriage is an honest, often humorous, but definitely hope-filled book. Available at

Don’t They Make a Lovely Couple, John and Ann Benton (Christian Focus). Easy to read and full of insights about marriage God’s way.

The Mystery of Marriage, Mike Mason (Multnomah Publishers, 1985). Beautifully written and filled with life-transforming insights.

Marriage, Sex in the Service of God, Christopher Ash (Intervarsity Press, 2003). Deep theology and a helpful book for those who want to understand what the bible has to say in greater depth. The author explores some of the complex and controversial issues, taking a thoughtful approach.

Rocking the Roles, Robert Lewis and William Hendricks (Navpress, 1991) looks at biblical roles in marriage in a practical way.

Boundaries in Marriage, Dr Henry Cloud and Dr John Townsend (Zondervan 1999) helps you understand and respect each other’s needs, choices and freedom so you can give yourselves freely and lovingly to one another.

Communication and Love

The Five Love Languages, Gary Chapman (Northfield Publishers). The author helps you learn to ‘speak’ and understand the languages of love and effectively express your love to your partner as well as feel loved in return.

The Other Side of Love, Gary Chapman (Moody Publishers, 1999). Filled with insights and techniques to understand the source of anger and guide you towards a productive outcome.

Fighting for Your Marriage, Markman, Stanley & Blumberg (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass 2001). Includes exercises to help you make changes in the way you handle conflict.

A Child No More, Mary Pytches (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1991) helps you to discover the things of the past such as childhood hurts or habits which may be stunting our Christian growth.

Dying to Change, Mary Pytches (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1996) looks how we can identify barriers to Christian maturity and open up even the most vulnerable areas of our lives to God’s transforming power.

SEXGOD, Rob Bell (Zondervan 2007). Fantastic insight into our sexual and spiritual connections.

Intended for Pleasure, Ed Wheat, M.D. & Gaye Wheat (Fleming H Revell). A classic on sex technique and sexual fulfilment in Christian marriage.


The Highway Code for Parenting, Michael and Hilary Perrott (CWR, 2007). This is a parent guide with a difference. It doesn’t deal with the details of toilet training or pocket money, but with some of the big issues of parenting. It’s about loving and building self-esteem, discipline and development of character, equipping children for life, and dealing with hard times. This book will help you learn on the job whatever your stage in the rollercoaster ride of parenting. Available at


When2Pray, Barrie & Eileen Jones (Roperberthy Publishing 2003). Full of practical and helpful insights to help you pray together as a couple.

Sorted, David Wilson (Agapé 2000), gives lots of helpful information about getting in step with the Holy Spirit in your Christian life. Available to buy at Agape)

Cover to Cover Complete, Selwyn Hughes & Trevor J. Partridge (CWR, 2007) takes you on a chronological journey through the Bible, allowing you to follow the events as they took place – and enabling you to see more clearly the unfolding of God’s purpose over the centuries. It’s also constructed to encourage you to read the entire Bible text in one year. With maps, charts, illustrations, diagrams, timelines and notes, and including the full Bible text, it has everything you need to enhance your understanding as you read. It uses the highly-respected Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) text. Available at

Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster (Hodder & Stoughton, 1989). This excellent book guides you through the spiritual disciplines – those habits and practices that ‘allow us to place ourselves before God so that He can transform us’. This edition includes a study guide.

Why and How Should We Tell Others? Nicky Gumbel (Kingsway Communications Ltd 2005). A helpful booklet with content taken from the book Alpha – Questions of Life.

Just Walk across The Room, Bill Hybels (Zondervan, 2006). An excellent book on taking a natural relational approach in personal evangelism that follows Jesus’ example.

Useful Contacts

FamilyLife (a ministry of Agapé) organise weekend conferences for married and engaged couples. The FamilyLife team are also available to speak at and help you run lively evenings for couples in pubs, clubs and hotels.

Tel: +44 ( 0)1753 669473
Also visit for more information on the work of Agapé and resources available to help everyone understand the gospel and grow in faith.

CWR was founded as a Christian ministry in 1965 by Selwyn Hughes. Since then they have grown into an international publishing and training organisation which seeks to enable people to apply God’s word to everyday life and relationships. In addition to the variety of courses they offer, they produce a wide range of high-quality resources including daily devotionals, books, videos, audio cassettes and other inspirational items.

Tel: +44 (0)1252 784700 (general), +44 (0)1252 7847100 (sales).
Fax: +44 (0)1252 784 734
Address: CWR, Waverley Abbey House
Waverley Lane, Farnham, Surrey,GU9 8EP, UK

Care for the Family have a wide range of excellent support resources.
Tel: +44(0)29 2081 0800

The Marriage Course/ Marriage Preparation Course offer practical tools to build strong marriages. Video and DVD based courses and training are available.

Tel: +44 (0)845 644 7544

Marriage matters at 2-in-2-1 Marriage support advice and services from wedding planning through relationship enhancement, marital problems and even breakdown and divorce.


Positive Parenting offer a range of well presented and easy to use parenting programmes.

Tel: +44 (0)845 643 1939

Family Caring resources are widely endorsed and are thorough, practical and supported by video/DVD.

Tel: +44 (0)28 3026 4174

Acorn Christian Healing Foundation has a vision of Listening, Healing and Reconciliation and offers appropriate resources and course.

Tel: +44 (0)1420 47812

FamilyLife UK is a ministry of Agape
Registered charity No. 258421
167 Newhall Street, Birmingham, B3 1SW
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